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Unsere aktuellen Events
Migration in Europe
As a trending topic, migration in Europe has been the center of attention for the past few years. The recent European elections in June 2024 raised several question marks as Europe has seen the...
Sustainability news: Port of Rotterdam
To continue on the same topic as last week, today’s article aims to give an update on the developments of sustainability in the Port of Rotterdam. In the past month, two major milestones have been...
Europe and its sustainability developments towards a greener future
Today’s article aims to give an update on what the European Union has been working on this summer regarding infrastructure sustainability. The main topic of today focuses on investments of the...
Unsere letzten Artikel
Tax Submission in The Netherlands
The tax year in the Netherlands spans from January 1 to December 31, and taxpayers are required to submit their tax returns. Residents of the Netherlands are taxed on their income from all sources...
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