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Unsere aktuellen Events
Differences and similarities between IFRS and German GAAP
In general, the main difference between the accounting regulations of IFRS and German GAAP is that IFRS focusses on investor protection while German GAAP always sees the protection of...
Migration Limitations in The Netherlands
In light of the recent elections in the Netherlands and the measures of the new Dutch government, today’s article delves into udpates regarding measures to limit the migration on the Dutch...
IFRS 18 – Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements – Part 2
The third set of requirements introduced by the new IFRS 18 is detailed below: More useful grouping of information in the financial statements (aggregation and disaggregation) Investor analysis of...
Unsere letzten Artikel
Combating financial and tax crimes: updates from The Netherlands
In the relentless pursuit of combating financial and tax crimes, the Fiscal Information and Investigation Service (FIOD) strategically allies itself with key global players, including the United...
Franco-Korean economic relations and corporate environment
For this week’s article, the economic collaboration and the corporate environment between France and South Korea will be addressed. The aim of this article is to delve into the economic relations...
Franco-Korean modern and cultural relations
Last week’s article introduced the history between Korea and France, and how they strengthened their bilateral relations throughout history. The aim of this article is to delve into the current...
Beginning of the Franco-Korean relations
Short history about the arrival of first French people in Korea: It is known that there were no bilateral relations between France and Korea until 1886. The contact between the two countries was...
Dutch-French relationships and corporate environment
As mentioned in the last week’s article, two founding members of the European Union, the Netherlands and France, have a long history of cooperation and conflict dating back to the 17th century. The...
Historical relationships: the beginning of the Dutch-French collaboration
For this week’s article, the focus moves closer to Europe and the historical relations between The Netherlands and France will be delved into. The Dutch-French collaboration started in the 1560’s...
Tax Plan 2024 – The Netherlands: changes for the society and the tax system
The Dutch Tax Authorities introduced to the House of Representatives the Tax Plan 2024 package in September 2023. The new plan is currently under revision by the House of Representatives. The scope...
The Modern Dutch-Japanese Relations: Mutual Benefits
As the previous articles introduced the long-lasting relation between The Netherlands and Japan, and the effects it has on culture, trade, and modern cooperation, this article is aiming to delve...
The economic impact of a 400 years long relation between The Netherlands and Japan
In last week’s article, the evolution of the relations between The Netherlands and Japan over the last 400 years was introduced. For this week, it is interesting to go further and explore the impact...
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