Combating financial and tax crimes: updates from The Netherlands

Dezember 5, 2023

In the relentless pursuit of combating financial and tax crimes, the Fiscal Information and Investigation Service (FIOD) strategically allies itself with key global players, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. This coalition, recognized as the Joint Chiefs of Global Tax Enforcement (J5), sees the tax authorities and FIODs of these five nations joining forces to tackle the pervasive issue of global financial and tax crimes.

The General Director of FIOD underscores the paramount importance of international collaboration in addressing criminal activities. He notes that the borders are seen as weapons by the criminals, in the sense that a few clicks of the mouse offers a criminal the opportunity to stream circumvents the world. Therefore, 80% of FIOD’s investigations into criminal activities now involve an international component, which shows the dedication of the entity to fostering international cooperation.

J5 stands as a robust partnership, bringing together experts from tax and investigative services in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and the Netherlands. Since its inception in 2018, this collaborative effort has aimed to enhance the efficacy of combating financial and tax fraud through the exchange of knowledge and information. Discussions within the partnership span emerging fraud phenomena and techniques, with notable contributions from the Netherlands and the United States in leading the charge against crypto fraud.

The J5’s mission extends beyond immediate actions, aspiring to create a comprehensive overview of various forms of fraud that necessitate joint efforts. Regular digital consultations facilitate the seamless sharing of knowledge among partner countries. Recently, a notable physical conference unfolded in Amsterdam, emphasizing public-private partnerships as instrumental in the collective fight against fraud. Recognizing the significant role played by entities such as banks and Fintech companies, the summit sought to harness the wealth of knowledge and signals about fraud phenomena held by these private entities. The goal is to fortify fraud prevention and intervention, empowering private sector participants to function as effective gatekeepers.

The inauguration of the conference by outgoing State Secretary underscored the broader significance of collaboration between tax and investigative services, private companies, and governments. The vital role that such partnerships play in fostering high tax morale and nurturing a resilient economy was highlighted at the conference. The government’s proactive stance in safeguarding the financial and fiscal aspects of the economy and society against the challenges posed by crime and fraud that transcends national borders is evident. This collaborative effort is emblematic of the commitment embodied by FIOD, J5, and the Global Financial Institutions Partnership (GFIP) Summit. This summit serves as a beacon of international innovation and cooperation in the ongoing fight against financial and tax crimes, recognizing the imperative of adapting and evolving to effectively address the dynamic landscape of global financial malfeasance.



Belastingdienst. (2023, November 29). Supervision and enforcement – J5 Summit: „For criminals, the border is a weapon“. Retrieved from Belastingdienst:









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