Windfall Taxes

A windfall tax is a tax on abnormal profits companies make from unexpected events, like the COVID-19 pandemic or the Russian invasion of Ukraine, rather than from their own decisions. A windfall tax is also described as a tax imposed on exceptional profits or...

ChatGPT shows Influential grip on Society

ChatGPT, a large language model developed by OpenAI, has quickly risen to become one of the most influential AI models in recent years. As this chatbot gains societal interest, the ethical limitations, the future of labour, and the place of AI in contemporary society...

John Deere Allows U.S. Farmers the Right to Repair

American tractor maker John Deere has agreed to provide U.S. customers with the right to repair. Owners of this well-known equipment are now able to fix their own equipment. Whereas Europe has regulations in this field, this agreement is a breakthrough in the American...

Nitrogen Problem in the Netherlands: How it Works

While the Dutch society needs to deal with new nitrogen regulations, the European Commission has hardly any insights into the nitrogen problems in the individual EU member countries. While these countries do no research or are not sharing information regarding...