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Japan: economic growth forecast 2024

Japan: economic growth forecast 2024

To continue the second part of the article series “Economic growth forecasts of 2024”, today’s article brings the focus on Japan. As the Japanese economy has been a trending topic since the...

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ESG Update

ESG Update

The European Union has granted approval for a two-year extension on the implementation of Sustainability Reporting Standards, particularly for specific sectors and non-EU companies. EU member states...

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Europe Day

Europe Day

As the 9th of May is approaching, in order to commemorate Europe Day and its significance for the Member States, today’s article delves into the history of the European Union. Every 9th of May, the...

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France: economic growth forecast 2024

France: economic growth forecast 2024

To continue the series of economic growth forecasts, this week’s article delves into the French economic forecast for 2024 and informs on recent updates for the financial strategies of France....

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OECD: Taxation Regulations 2024

OECD: Taxation Regulations 2024

As the start of the new financial year is approaching, the new OECD taxation regulations will come into effect. Therefore, today’s article delves into the background of the research behind the new...

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